Primary & Home Lesson Activities
New Testament Come Follow Me
REACH INTO OUR GRAB BAG to find this month’s lesson-match activities for MAY
Weekly LESSONS 19-22
• Scripture Scholars
(bookmarks and pop-ups with reward stamps)
• Lesson Activities & Songs
(for Ages 1-5, 3-7, 8-11)
For Teens see SUNDAY SCHOOL (HERE or shown right)
Also, See
• NURSERY Lesson Activities
(a craft or a poster or coloring page)
• PRIMARY Practice Songs
(use song visuals)
Or, click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find over 200 individual activities and song visuals:
I absolutely LOVE your scripture scholar bundle! It is a perfect fit and fun addition to the “Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families” manual. Thank you so much for including bookmarks that correspond with all our needs for: Primary, Individuals and Families, and Sunday School weekly readings. Thank you for your beautiful and enjoyable artwork and activities. My family loves them! – Jill Yadernuck
Our class LOVES getting their bookmark and stamp each week! We have purchased bibles for each of the class members that we put the pop-ups in and underline each week during class. At the end of the year, they will each get to keep the Bible with all the pop-ups and marked scriptures. – Jeanne Peterson
SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR BUNDLE* saves you 20% (or you can download activities individually below).
• STAMPS for May to place on the STAMP KEEPER. If you want to download the stamps separately (see below).
The STAMP KEEPER chart is sold separately (HERE or below).
TO USE STAMPS. Children read scriptures found on the bookmark and collect the STAMP to place on the STAMP KEEPER (50 possible for the year).
MAY LESSONS 19-22 (click on the lesson or posters (below) to download Scripture Scholars kits for individual weeks)
Scripture Scholar BOOKMARKS & POP-UPS are in the BUNDLE or, click the posters to download them individually
THE FOLLOWING BUNDLES ARE FOR THIS MONTH’S LESSONS. Click on the week’s lesson below to find tons more individual activities for all ages ⇓ ⇒
Lesson 19 (May week 1)
“Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost”
Lesson 20 (May week 2)
“What Lack I Yet?”
All Ages POST-AND-PRESENT Activities
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking the activity title) ⇓
MAY (week 1) Lesson 19 May 1-7, 2023 (Luke; John) “Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost” I can show my love for Heavenly Father by being grateful for my blessings. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Post-and-Present Activity – All Ages: DON’T JUST GOBBLE UP BLESSINGS: Extra-miler Thankful Turkey feather find (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 2) Lesson 20 May 8-14, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke) “What Lack I Yet?” Jesus wants little children to come to Him so He can bless them. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Post-and-Present Activity – All Ages: I’LL HONOR HIS NAME Children Around the World Honor Jesus (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 3) Lesson 21 May 15-21, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John) “Behold, Thy King Cometh” As I seek the Savior, I will find Him. Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Post-and-Present Activity – All Ages: I KNOW ABOUT JESUS CHRIST Plan of Salvation Concentration Game (HERE) ⇒

MAY (week 4) Lesson 22 May 22-23, 2023 (Joseph Smith–Matthew; Matthew; Mark; Luke) “The Son of Man Shall Come” Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Post-and-Present Activity – All Ages: I CAN SPREAD THE GOSPEL Missionary Mystery Kit maze (HERE) ⇒
Ages 1-5 Activities
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking the activity title) ⇓
MAY (week 1) Lesson 19 May 1-7, 2023 (Luke; John) “Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost” Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return to Him. I can help Jesus find Him lost sheep. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 1-5 Activity: FIND THE LITTLE LOST LAMB picture puzzle (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 2) Lesson 20 May 8-14, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke) “What Lack I Yet?” Jesus can help me know what I need to do to progress. If I obey the commandments, I can receive eternal life. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 1-5 Activity: PLAN OF HAPPINESS poster or coloring page (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 3) Lesson 21 May 15-21, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John) “Behold, Thy King Cometh” The temple is a sacred place that I should respect. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 1-5 Activity: I CAN PREPARE TO GO TO THE TEMPLE slideshow (HERE) ⇒

MAY (week 4) Lesson 22 May 22-23, 2023 (Joseph Smith–Matthew; Matthew; Mark; Luke) “The Son of Man Shall Come” I can use the gifts God has given me. At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 1-5 Activity: I CAN BE KIND TO ANIMALS poster or coloring page (HERE) ⇒
Ages 4-7 Activities
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking the activity title) ⇓
MAY (week 1) Lesson 19 May 1-7, 2023 (Luke; John) “Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost” I can show my love for Heavenly Father by being grateful for my blessings. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: GRATITUDE GOPHER’S Grab Bag (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 2) Lesson 20 May 8-14, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke) “What Lack I Yet?” Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple and have eternal families. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: LET’S BE TOGETHER FOREVER temple eternity wheel (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 3) Lesson 21 May 15-21, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John) “Behold, Thy King Cometh” As I seek the Savior, I will find Him. Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: I AM A CHILD OF GOD heavenly family photo (HERE) ⇒

MAY (week 4) Lesson 22 May 22-23, 2023 (Joseph Smith–Matthew; Matthew; Mark; Luke) “The Son of Man Shall Come” Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE Example Candle mobile (home/church/school) (HERE) ⇒
Ages 8-11 Activities
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking the activity title) ⇓
MAY (week 1) Lesson 19 May 1-7, 2023 (Luke; John) “Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost” I can show my love for Heavenly Father by being grateful for my blessings. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: GIVE THANKS: Jesus Heals 10 Lepers – Jesus thank you card (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 2) Lesson 20 May 8-14, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke) “What Lack I Yet?” Jesus wants little children to come to Him so He can bless them. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: HEN GATHERETH HER CHICKENS D&C 29:1-2 tent card (HERE) ⇒
MAY (week 3) Lesson 21 May 15-21, 2023 (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John) “Behold, Thy King Cometh” As I seek the Savior, I will find Him. Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: “I can overcome trials and challenges with the help of Jesus Christ.” blind puzzle (HERE) ⇒

MAY (week 4) Lesson 22 May 22-23, 2023 (Joseph Smith–Matthew; Matthew; Mark; Luke) “The Son of Man Shall Come” Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. ⇒
– DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: BE VALIANT AND TESTIFY OF JESUS! balloon maze (HERE) ⇒
SUNDAY SCHOOL Teen Activities
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking HERE) ⇓
NURSERY Activities for “Behold Your Little Ones”
(save with bundle, or download individually by clicking HERE) ⇓
MUSIC PRACTICE Songs for This Month