Fun Activities for CHURCH & HOME
“Remember brotherly kindness.” – D&C 4:6
GOAL, Love As Christ Loves
“He loves everyone. And He has commanded us to ‘love one another,’ as He has loved us.” (John 15:12)
– President Henry B. Eyring, 2020
Start with these 17 and find more in our LOVE & SERVICE Index.
. Just a Note pop-up card
. Love & Kindness flip/slap game
. Forever Friends! motivators
. “Bee” a Friends necklace
. Fishing For Faithful Friends
LOVE OTHERS Just a Note to Say, “I Love You” pop-up card (ages 4-7)
Talk about people in a child’s life that they love: FAMILY, FRIENDS, TEACHERS, RELATIVES, GRANDPARENTS.
This note can be for a birthday, a Valentine’s card, or a card just to show love and friendship.
They can also mail or drop off treats with the card (which says, “You’re the Best!”
LOVE & KINDNESS Friend-or-Foe? Slap/flip game (All ages)
With this FRIEND or FOE slap/flip game, all ages can have fun learning the difference between being a FRIEND who is patient, cheerful, helpful, and nice to be around and a FOE who is impatient, not kind, grouchy, uncaring.
Talk about, “Just because they don’t show love to us, we can still be kind, like Jesus.”
FOREVER FRIENDS! Mending and Keeping Friendship (Ages 8-teen)
Learn the right things to say and the right way to be a good friend.
The INVITE to an activity brings them together to discover ways they can mend and keep friendships as they ponder these motivators: – Flash Card game to place the cards in their Friendship First-Aid Kit. – Gift Tags to attach to a treat or a lollypop which reads: “When life’s got me licked, it helps to have a friend like you!”
I CAN “BEE” A FRIEND heart necklace (Ages 1-5)

YOUTH CAN TEACH the children how to be a friend with these hearts-on-a-string. They can view the pictures and memorize “I can be a friend.” Talk about ways to be a good friend. Help them understand that Jesus taught us the “bee”-attitudes so we can be happy. He showed us how to “bee” a good friend.
Help the children desire to be a good friend. Give each a set of hearts and string to create a FRIEND NECKLACE. Punch holes. Thread yarn or ribbon through the hearts and tie at the end.
Help them frost and decorate a heart-shaped cookie as you talk about how to “BEE” a friend.

YOU’RE A KEEPER: Fishing for Faithful Friends (All ages – Post and Present)
Discuss the concepts of being judgmental and bullying.
Help them understand they can seek the Spirit to help them choose good friends.
Talk about what makes a good friend.
Share the gospel. We all can be good “fish”-ionaries and share the gospel by being a good example, like Jesus.
. I Can Love Others picture kite
. Love Lingo Bingo
. Thanks to “ewe” for all “ewe” do! card
. My Circle of Love spin-n-serve game
. Love at Home spin-the-bottle . Love Me and Others tent-card
I CAN LOVE OTHERS spiral pictures kite (Ages 1-5)
Talk about how to love others at CHURCH and HOME, and with FRIENDS and FAMILY.
WORDS ON THE KITE: I can love others. I can be kind. I can speak kind words. Please! Thank you! I can help father, mother, brother and sister. I can turn my frown upside down and smile. I can follow the footsteps of Jesus. He showed us how to love. I can love others!

LOVE LINGO BINGO Show Love like the Good Samaritan GAME (Ages 8-teen)
*Read Luke 10:25-37 and Matthew 22;34-40 to learn how a kind man found a help-less beaten man on the road and took care of him (when no one else would help).
After telling the story play the game using the Love-Lingo! Bingo cards.
“Lingo” means language.
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE THIS activity for children ages 1-5 on The Good Samaritan (HERE).

GRATITUDE “Thanks to ewe for all ewe do!” card (Ages 4-7)

YOUTH CAN TEACH the children that there are many ways to show gratitude. Gratitude comes from the heart. This fun “Thank Ewe” card is one way they can show love and appreciation to someone. Showing love and gratitude to others is showing love and gratitude to Jesus Christ.
ACTIVITY: Youth can help the children make this thank-you card to give away, or stand-up card to place on their dresser to remind them to thank others by their words and deeds.
• They can give a card to a teacher, friend, neighbor, their parents, grandparents, or family member.
• Ask the children to share what others have done for them. Some thoughts to get them started may be their mother teaching them how to make their bed or a brother teaching them how to tie their shoelaces…

MY CIRCLE OF LOVE spin and serve game (All ages)
Each person spins the spinner and tells how to serve that person ON THE WHEEL.
Some may be more difficult than others. Everyone can be brought into our CIRCLE OF LOVE!
Talk about how we can love and serve others as Jesus did.
See the LESSON about Abraham and Lot and their circle of love (HERE) ⇒
LOVE AT HOME spin-the-bottle (All ages)
YOUTH CAN TEACH others how to think ahead before certain family situations arise; and how to show love in your family even when it is difficult.
Play SPIN-THE-BOTTLE then draw a word strip. Then tell how LOVE can be shown in each situation, e.g., Mom is not well and it is almost dinner time. What do you do?
Or: “Your best friend comes over. Your mother asks you to take out the trash, clean up your mess, and tidy your room.” What do you do?
Do this in a class or take it home and play it with your family. More situations can be made up. Write and place them in the bottle.
As acting with LOVE is always best, try to think ahead of what you would do in situations. Acting with LOVE is always best!
LOVE SELF & OTHERS Matthew 22:36-39 Service Challenge tent card (Ages 8-teen)
YOUTH CAN TEACH ways to love and serve others. They can learn to love themselves. This TENT CARD serves as a reminder that it is a commandment to love others and themselves. Write ways to express love to others and show self-love!
Read Matthew 22:36-39 using the tent card. 1. Brainstorm ways to love and serve others. 2. Brainstorm ways to love and serve themselves. This part may be more difficult.
“The truth about you is so lofty, that if you understood who you really are, you would know that anything unworthy of God is also unworthy of you!” -author unknown
ON THE FLIP-SIDE of the card youth can write two ways to show love for others and two ways they can show self-love.
. Secret Service giveaway hearts
. Jesus Wants Us to Love Everyone medallion
. Kindly Forgive Ephesians 4:32 rebus
. Anchor Friend-‘ship’
. “Bear” One Another’s Burdens planner
. Loving or Lazy Leader word find
SECRET SERVICE Because you’re worth it! necklace with giveaway hearts (Ages 4-7)

YOUTH CAN TEACH children that EVERYONE IS WORTH serving and serving in secret is especially fun! This SECRET SERVICE with GIVEAWAY HEARTS is a super fun way for children to leave behind a bit of love for the person they serve after their secret service is completed.
With secret service hearts they can wear around their neck as they serve will strengthen each child’s desire to follow Jesus Christ by serving others. They can secretly do a service for a loved one and then place a heart (taken from the necklace) for that person to place next to where the service took place. Make plenty of hearts!
Encourage them to wear them inside their shirts while serving to keep it a SECRET!

JESUS WANTS US TO LOVE EVERYONE paper chain medallion (Ages 4-7)

YOUTH CAN TEACH the children that they can show love to others by helping them understand their worth to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They can write the names of their loved ones on this PAPER CHAIN MEDALLION to share with everyone they want to love and serve.
Children can write the names of family and friends on links to make neckwear or a headband to advertise who they love! Help them understand that love is connected to service. When we love someone we want to help them.

KINDLY FORGIVE Ephesians 4:32 rebus poster & peace rose card (Ages 8-teen)
Interaction with others personally and on social media is a way to be an example of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Being kind and forgiving is easier than trying to take back unkind words and actions. God forgives; why can’t we?
PEACE ROSE CARD: Youth can send this card, attached to a peace rose, to a friend or family member to invite peace, ask for forgiveness, and say “I’m sorry.” Role-play situations where forgiveness is needed. What are the consequences of not forgiving?
ANCHOR FRIEND-‘SHIP’ MOTIVATORS on friendship and fellowship (Ages 8-teen)
YOUTH CAN TEACH others to learn ways to be an anchor and offer friendship and love to someone who needs support (especially a less-active member or an investigator). With Anchor Friend-ship Motivators they can learn ways to be that much-needed Christ-like friend.
THE FRIEND-SHIP message: If you were in the same boat needing an eternal friend, whom would you depend on? As we anchor ourselves to Jesus Christ we will be ready to help others who struggle. Youth can learn how to be a steady friend with these wordstrip challenges.
Make FRIEND-SHIP BANANA BOATS: banana splits with whipped cream and two cherries on top representing two friends! Enjoy while talking about how to keep your friendship boats afloat!
YOUTH CAN TEACH other youth using this PLANNER any time of the year to give service and fulfill their baptismal promise found in Mosiah 18:7-10. Lifting another person’s burdens brings relief, and fills the sufferer and the lifter with JOY!
Read Mosiah 18:7-10 and discuss ways to lift burdens. Discuss what the promises given to those who serve and lift the burdens of others are.
Some topics could be: Repentance, Redemption, and Faith in the Lord. A desire to come into the fold of God and become His people. What it means to bear another’s burdens. What it means to stand as a witness of God. What is a covenant?
A LOVING OR LAZY LEADER word find (Ages 8-teen)
Youth can learn the qualities of a loving leader. Help them understand that we show our love for the Lord when we lead as Jesus did.
Loving Leader Qualities to find: sharing, prepared, prompt, organized, happy, teaching considerate, calm, sensitive, understanding, concerned, kind, caring, plans, trustworthy, example, listening, and forgiving.
Discuss these qualities. Talk about the more we incorporate these qualities the more they become a part of us. The more we will love and lead like Jesus!