Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Lesson 25
For children ages 4-7 or teen/youth


TO FIND LESSON: Present Lesson 25 – Primary 5 Manual – Doctrine and Covenants-Church History: The Kirtland Temple Is Constructed

OBJECTIVE: To help youth have the desire to sacrifice to help build the kingdom of God.

LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITY: Review enrichment activity 4 in the manual for which the following activity illustrates.

SERVICE - Activity: Giving Oyster Mirror Motivators, Doctrine and Covenants, LDS Primary Lesson 25: The Kirtland Temple Is Constructed, Sunday Savers book or CD-ROM, GospelGrabBag.comACTIVITY: Giving Oyster Mirror Motivators

Youth can post this shell on their mirror to remind them not to be selfish, to sacrifice their time, talents, and means to build the kingdom of God as the pioneers did. Review Lesson 18 activity in the manual and see the activity HERE.

TO MAKE: Print or copy, color, and cut out the oyster pattern for each youth. Crease shell lines to create a 3-D effect. Cut slits in A and B to attach oyster to shell. Glue oyster pieces together as indicated, except for tab B. Insert tabs where indicated and glue in place.

THOUGHT TREAT (when appropriate): Sacrifice Soda-crackers. Tell youth that it took time, talent, and means to make these crackers. We can do likewise with other acts of service. Before eating the crackers, have youth put one up to their eye to look through one of the holes as they close the other eye. Use this as an analogy to look through God’s eyes with faith and prayer to spotlight or find those to serve. Example is the pioneers who sacrificed to build the Kirkland temple as detailed in the lesson.

Banner: Singing Helps, Primary Sharing TIme, Singing Fun, music leader, gospelgrabbag.com


 Keep the Commandments . . . Read More (CS, 146-147)

Sunday Savers: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Activities for Lessons 1-46
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35 36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46

SERVICE – Activity: Giving Oyster Mirror Motivators, Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 25: The Kirtland Temple Is Constructed

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