YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS DIED FOR ME Atonement ponder wheel. Turning the wheel, youth can learn of His great love for us. The scripture in the window references the action above it, e.g. did His Father's will, and was merciful and
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITIES AND TOPICAL GUIDE FOR Ages 1-3 NURSERY "Behold Your Little Ones" Ages 1-3 COME FOLLOW ME - Home Ages 4-7 COME FOLLOW ME - Sunday School Ages 8-11 COME FOLLOW ME - Sunday School Ages 12-16 Teens COME
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Bible Study, and Activity Days POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Live My Gospel Standards Choose the Right Around-the-Clock OBJECTIVE: Help the youth learn that by living the gospel standards and choosing the right
GOSPEL GAME ACTIVITY. THE LIFE AND MISSION OF JESUS CHRIST puzzle match. With this Mission of Jesus puzzle, youth can learn of eight blessings that come from Jesus and His mission. He is The Son of God, Savior, Teacher, Brother,
VALUE NIGHT Personal Progress Certificates for Goal Achievement BUNDLE - 8 Values awards for achieving Young Women Personal Progress Goals They've just got to have a Certificate! Reward your Young Women as they complete their requirements for each Value in
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN GROW LIKE JESUS Inch-by-inch growth chart and measure-up bookmark. Youth can contemplate their choices to see if they measure up to how Jesus "Increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (Luke
. . . BIBLE BUSY BEE . . . General Christian Activities King James Version Activities Adaptable to All Christian Religions GOD DEFINITIONS. In most of the activities, we refer to the Godhead: • Heavenly Father (God the Father), •
INDEX: C H R I S T M A S Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ Activities to Make Learning Fun CHRISTMAS is about BELIEVING and a child's heart is ready to believe. There is a magic in the air this
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, Daily Scripture Devotionals Little LESSON LIFESAVERS "I Love Heavenly Father and Jesus" photo poster or coloring page NURSERY OR SUNBEAM LESSONS*: OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children learn
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. HOLY GHOST The Comforter Can Guide & Teach Me JOHN 14:26 rebus. Youth can guess the picture prompts to help them memorize, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and