SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. "ASK GOD" Moroni 10:4-5 scripture poster. Moroni engraved this PROMISE on gold plates that he gave to Joseph Smith hundreds of years later, called The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Christ visited Moroni's people the Nephites.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Moroni and Me: My Personal Golden Plates OBJECTIVE: Help youth create their own set of golden plates
INDEX: SCRIPTURE STUDY • BIBLE Old & New Testament • Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ • Doctrine & Covenants Activities to Make Learning Fun Also, see PROPHETS Since Adam and Eve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have spoken
INDEX: The HOLY GHOST • Revelation • Godhead Activities to Make Learning Fun Also See: • PRAYER • GODHEAD The HOLY GHOST is the third member of the Godhead with God the Father and Jesus Christ. He does not have
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HE HAS RISEN! write a story. Youth can learn from the images and scriptures about the resurrection, then write in their own words the stories. Both the Bible and The Book of Mormon testify of Jesus and
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATITUDE BLESSINGS wheel. Children can learn from these ways that they can be happy like Heavenly Father. These attitudes were taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) to 5,000 people. By living these
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. I WILL "BEAR" MY TESTIMONY OF TRUTH slideshow doorknob hanger. Children can review testimony topics with this picture display, giving them the confidence to share their feelings about the gospel. This also reminds them of topics to
SINGING TIME. HOW FIRM A FOUNDATION song visuals. Youth can sing along with pictures displayed to memorize this detailed song. For example, "Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ typesetting poster. Tell the youth that this book was first set in type by hand taking a lot of time to place the letters just right in the
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. INVITES THE SPIRIT - TURNS THE SPIRIT AWAY game. Youth will increase their desire to have the right spirit influencing them as they draw from wordstrips to find actions and vote: which actions INVITE THE SPIRIT and