A-Z Index for Activities, Games, Song Visuals, Scripture Posters, Lesson Ideas for COME FOLLOW ME Primary, Individuals and Families, Family Home Evening, and Sunday School Ages 1-11 and Teens

A-Z Index for Gospel Grab Bag Lesson-match activities and song visuals on all gospel topics: KIDS-CAN-TEACH Post-and-Present activities, games and puzzles, scripture cards, goal planners, and journals USE FOR: Come Follow Me LESSON LIFESAVERS (Primary, Sunday School, and home scripture

Song – “Dare to Do Right” Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening (Children’s Songbook p. 158)

DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals
SINGING FUN ACTIVITY. DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals, Children's Songbook p. 158. Youth can sing this song knowing that if they bravely "dare" to make the right choices to follow their desire to make the right choices they can

OBEDIENCE – HOLY GHOST ColorQuote “Obedience opens the doors to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost …” COME FOLLOW ME, Young Women, family home evening

QUOTE MEMORIZATION. OBEDIENCE - HOLY GHOST ColorQuote poster or notecard.  “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid

FOLLOWING JESUS Activity: Footstep Match Game – Jesus Is My Shepherd (Follow His Example) – Come Follow Me, Primary and Home (family home evening)

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FOLLOWING JESUS' FOOTSTEPS match and ponder. Youth take turns MATCHING AS THEY CHOOSE: Jesus' example shoes, and shoes today, stating how they will follow Him “ponder the path of thy feet” (Proverbs 4:26). USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary

FOLLOW JESUS Post-and-Present Activity: I’ll Honor His Name (Children Around the World Honor Jesus)

I’ll Honor His Name (Children Around the World Honor Jesus)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I'LL HONOR HIS NAME Children Around the World Honor Jesus. Children will love learning how children from other countries far across the world follow Jesus. As children read the stories they can tell what each child did in the

TEMPTATION – CHOOSE THE RIGHT Activity: “I Have a Strong Spirit! I Can Say No!” poster – Come Follow Me Primary and Home lesson handout – family home evening, Ages 8-11

“I Have a Strong Spirit! I Can Say ‘No” to Temptation! I Can Say No!” poster
AGES 8-11 & TEENS. STRONG SPIRIT I can say "no" to temptation! poster. Youth can be reminded to: DECIDE to choose the right! PRAY to avoid temptation. LISTEN to the Holy Ghost. KNOW that Heavenly Father loves me and will

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Activity: Live My Gospel Standards – CTR Around-the-Clock – for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home lessons, family home evening (keeping baptismal covenants)

Live My Gospel Standards Choose the Right Around-the-Clock
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Bible Study, and Activity Days POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Live My Gospel Standards Choose the Right Around-the-Clock OBJECTIVE: Help the youth learn that by living the gospel standards and choosing the right

FOLLOW JESUS – EXAMPLE Activity: I Can Grow to Be like Jesus (Inch-by-Inch Growth Chart) and book – Come Follow Me PRIMARY and HOME lessons

I Can Grow to Be like Jesus (Inch-by-Inch Growth Chart) BONUS: How do I measure up? bookmark
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN GROW LIKE JESUS Inch-by-inch growth chart and measure-up bookmark. Youth can contemplate their choices to see if they measure up to how Jesus "Increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (Luke

FOLLOW JESUS Activity: Points-to-Ponder Post-and-Present for Come, Follow Me – Primary, Family Home Evening, Family Home Evening

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
POST-AND-PRESENT. FOLLOW JESUS - POINTS-TO-PONDER Spin-and-tell. From spinning the hands, youth can focus on certain standards to get them ready to meet Jesus again. SPIN TOPICS:  Honor Parents, Read the Scriptures, Pay Tithing, Pray Daily, Respect My Body, Be Honest,

Choose the Right, Child of God, Testimony – Activity: Child of God – Build a True Prince & Princess puzzle

TRUE PRINCE AND PRINCESS choose the right consequence puzzle
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CONSEQUENCES: Build a True Prince and Princess puzzle.  Help children know that even though Heavenly Father has given us agency to choose for ourselves, He wants us to make the right choices each day. This way