CFM New Testament December 2023 Ages 4-7 BUNDLE - Activities

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AGES 4-7 - Activities BUNDLE

Enjoy handouts for the NEW TESTAMENT lesson topics - NOVEMBER (weeks 1-5) Lessons 49-53 for Come Follow Me. The bundle includes FIVE activities that correspond with the lesson ideas. Children can use these visuals to teach others about what they have learned.

OPTION (beyond these) Search for more activities on the subjects.

BUNDLE SUMMARY (preview & details below)

COME FOLLOW ME Ages 4-7 bundle DECEMBER New Testament

DECEMBER (week 1) Lesson 49 Nov. – Dec. 3, 2023 – “God Is Love” I show my love for God when I show love to others.
DOWNLOAD Group Ages 4-7 Activity: Just a Note to Say, “I Love You” pop-up card (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 2) Lesson 50 December 4-10, 2023 “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever” I can invite Jesus Christ into my life.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: Follow Jesus & Obey heavenly treasure hunt & match game (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 3) Lesson 51 Nov. – Dec. 11-17, 2023 – “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb” I showed faith in Jesus Christ in the premortal life.

DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: Choose to Follow Jesus … premortal life puppet show (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 4) Lesson 52 December 18-24, 2023 “Good Tidings of Great Joy” Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: Prophet Samuel The Lamanite Announces the Birth of Baby Jesus mobile ornament (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 5) Lesson 53 December 25-31, 2023 “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things” I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activity: 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6 scripture poster/card set (HERE)

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