CFM Old Testament NOVEMBER 2022 Teen's Bundle

Product Details

Enjoy handouts for all the OLD TESTAMENT Come Follow Me Individuals & Families Lessons for family, with teen activities - NOVEMBER (weeks 1-4) Lessons 45-48. The bundle includes 4 activities for TEENS that correspond with the lesson ideas. Youth can use these visuals to teach others about what they have learned.

See SUNDAY SCHOOL Come Follow Me lesson activities (in the Sunday School section for this month).
These lesson activities in this bundle are designed for FAMILY TIME where siblings and teens are taught the same CFM lessons (the subjects may differ slightly from the YOUTH Sunday School lessons).

BUNDLE SUMMARY (preview below of the HOME STUDY Family Home Evening teen activities)

Teens Come Follow Me - Old Testament lesson activities for November

NOVEMBER (week 1) Lesson 45: October 31 – November 6, 2022 – Daniel 1-6 “There Is No Other God That Can Deliver”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God on earth.
DOWNLOAD Teen Activity: Apostasy Mirror teaching tool (HERE)

NOVEMBER (week 2) Lesson 46: November 7-13, 2022 – Hosea 1-6; 10-14; Joel “I Will Love Them Freely” ⇒
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: I can seek the Lord.

DOWNLOAD Teen Activity: “Counsel with the Lord in All Thy Doings” (HERE)

NOVEMBER (week 3) Lesson 47: November 14-20, 2022 – Amos; Obadiah “Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live”
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: If I seek good, the Lord will be with me.
DOWNLOAD Teen Activity: Warm Fuzzy Righteous Reminders poster and bookmark (HERE)

NOVEMBER (week 4) Lesson 48: November 21-27, 2022 – Jonah; Micah “He Delighteth in Mercy” ⇒
– Come Follow Me Lesson SUBJECT: The gospel is for everyone.
DOWNLOAD Teen Activity: YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Understand a Gospel Principle (HERE)

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CFM Old Testament NOVEMBER 2022 Teen's Bundle


