Gratitude / Giving Thanks
Activities to Make Learning Fun


Heavenly Father wants to pour out BLESSINGS as we keep His commandments. Each blessing brings a feeling of gratitude and joy.

Sometimes blessings don’t come when we expect them, so we must have faith and live for those promised blessings. Many BLESSINGS come as we BLESS the lives of others. Through service God makes many blessings come.

The following activities will help you guide them to know HOW and WHY these blessings come. 

You’ll find 51 activities (below) to make learning fun. For example, this Gratitude Gopher Grab Bag Game shows things they can give thanks to Heavenly Father (DOWNLOAD HERE or below).

Reach into our Gospel Grab Bag to find instant printables for CHURCH and HOME scripture study and goal achieving.

Even YOUTH CAN TEACH using these interactive activities.

BLESSINGS Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

Teaching Tools for Children and Youth

COME FOLLOW ME weekly lessons with matching activities and song visuals and Scripture Scholars for each week



POST-AND-PRESENT Poster Games and Activities

LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts

SCRIPTURE poster/card sets to memorize

SONG VISUALS to teach about the subject



Games and Activities

BLESSINGS Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

POST-AND-PRESENT Poster Games and Activities

BLESSINGS Index of Post-and-Present activities for CHURCH & HOME

ALL AGES (children and youth) Lesson Activities for CHURCH and HOME, Come Follow Me, Sunday School, and family home evening

Loved by God

CHILDREN & YOUTH Goal and Activity Loved From Up Above Post-and-Present

Give thanks

Don’t Just Gobble Up Blessings (Extra-Miler Thankful Turkey – Feather Find)

Guess blessings

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study

Earn blessings

Showered with Blessings! (Follow the Prophet Guessing Game)

Priesthood blessings

Priesthood Blessing Guessing Game and Journal

Forever happiness

The PLAN OF HAPPINESS: Reach for the Stars! (Blessing Guessing Game and bookmark)

Sweet Commands

Scooping Up Ice Cream Blessings build-a-cone

Honesty blesses

Honesty Pays! Blessing-Bucks GAME

Choice matters

$2.50 Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary lesson and Home, Family Home Evening, Young Women

Master Teacher

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me - Home and Primary lessons, family home evening, Sunday School, Bible

Temple action

“Tip-Toe to the Temple” Preparation and Blessing Review

Strong faith

Prayers Are Always Answered – Bless the Faithful (puzzle match)

Eternal gifts

Celestial Blessings Show-and-Tell

Priesthood hands

Priesthood Blessings show-and-tell

Ahh happiness

Blessed Beatitudes Sermon on the Mount Activity

LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts – Ages 1-3

BLESSINGS - Index - Ages 1-3 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

AGES 1-3 (children) Lesson Activities for CHURCH and HOME (and nursery), Come Follow Me, Sunday School, and family home evening

Embracing priesthood

I Am Thankful For the Priesthood – Blessing Hands-some Bracelet

Hearing blessings

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Self care

Thankful for Food and Clothing Cupboard and Closet
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Gracious love

Heavenly Father and Jesus Love Me – Hearts-On-a-String

LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts – Ages 4-7

BLESSINGS - Index - Ages 4-7 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

AGES 4-7 (children) Lesson Activities for CHURCH and HOME, Come Follow Me, Seminary, Sunday School, and family home evening

God is love

Heavenly Father and Jesus Love Me – Hearts-On-a-String

Be wise

Wise Man and the Foolish Man flip-flag

ActivityWise Man and Foolish Man (Flip-Flag)
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Gratitude game

Gratitude Gopher’s Grab Bag
LESSON LIFESAVERGratitude Gopher’s grab bag
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Prayer Answers

“Yes” and “No” Wristbands

PRAYER Answers ACTIVITY for Ages 4-7 “Yes” and “No” Wristbands
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Thanking Jesus

Children Around the World "Thank You" people pop-ups
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Saying thanks

GRATITUDE thank you card for children ages 4-7 or older

ACTIVITY Ages 4-7 Thanks to ewe for all you do! thank-you card or stand-up card reminder
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts – Ages 8-11

BLESSINGS - Index - Ages 8-11 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

AGES 8-11 and TEENS Lesson Activities for CHURCH and HOME, Come Follow Me, Seminary, Sunday School, and family home evening

Jesus journal

My Testimony of Jesus Christ love and gratitude journal

Blooming health

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity “Bloomin’ Good Blessings” Word of Wisdom toss and tell GAME

Happiness crossmatch

Beatitudes Crossmatch

Happiness wheel

“Bee”attitude Blessings wheel

Hear the prophet

Listen to the Prophet to Stay in the Light – Cycle of History Wheel

Choose wisely

COMMANDMENTS: Choices & Consequences match game

Think thankful

Buzz-illion Thanks stationary

Be a thanker

GIVE THANKS: Jesus Heals 10 Lepers – only one returned to thank Him. (Jesus Thank-you card)

LESSON LIFESAVER Interactive Activities and Handouts – Ages 12-16 TEENS

BLESSINGS Index - Teen LESSON LIFESAVER Interactive Activities to Challenge Youth and gospel learning

AGES 12-16 TEENS Lesson Activities for CHURCH and HOME, Come Follow Me, Seminary, Sunday School, and family home evening

Grateful hearts

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Grateful Heart bookmark and gratitude card

Gospel fruits

FRUIT OF THE GOSPEL Gospel Blessings quote Jeffery R. Holland

Harvesting habits

Harvesting My Destiny Garden Habit Changer

I hear Him

Righteous Radio 5 ways to tune in

Hear the prophet

Listen to the Prophet to Stay in the Light – Cycle of History Wheel

Destiny choices

Decisions Determine Destiny planner

Patriarchal guidance

Patriarchal Blessing preparation checklist and message memo

Honoring bishops

Thanks a Bunch! sunflower pot (appreciation gift)

SCRIPTURE poster/card sets to memorize

BLESSINGS Index - Scripture memorize cards and posters for All Ages

ALL AGES scripture poster/card sets for children and youth to memorize verses


Mosiah 2:22: “If ye would keep his commandments . . . he doth bless you and prosper you.”
Mosiah 2:22: “If ye would keep his commandments . . . he doth bless you and prosper you.”

Daily gratitude

Mosiah 18:23: “He commanded them that . . . every day they should give thanks to the Lord their God.”
Mosiah 18:23: “He commanded them that . . . every day they should give thanks to the Lord their God.”

SONG VISUALS to teach about the subject (plus singing fun activities HERE)

BLESSINGS Index for Singing Fun song visuals

ALL AGES Song Visuals for children and youth to teach about gospel subjects

Choose wisely

"Wise Man and the Foolish Man" Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening

God is near

Dearest Children God Is Near You SONG VISUALS

Thank you Father

SONG VISUALS "Thanks to Our Father," (Children's Songboook, 20)

Living the gospel

"I Want to Live the Gospel" song

Book of Mormon

SONG VISUALS: Book of Mormon Stories, Children's Songbook p. 118

Body temple

The Lord Gave Me a Temple SONG VISUALS Children's Songbook p. 153

Christ’s church

The Church of Jesus Christ SONG VISUALS

Child of God

I Am a Child of God SONG VISUALS

Love family

Song Visuals For "Families Can Be Together Forever"

Father loves

My Heavenly Father Loves Me SONG VISUALS Children's Songbook p. 228

Restoring priesthood

The Priesthood Is Restored song visuals

Scripture power

"Scripture Power" Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing

G, B – INDEX: Giving Thanks – Gratitude – Blessings ACTIVITIES for Come Follow Me Primary and Home (family home evening), Ages 2-12 and Teens
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