How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)

Youth Doctrinal Class - Sunday School, Young Men, Young Women, Aaronic Priesthood

Youth Doctrinal Classes - New Testament - November



November 12, 2023

Hebrews 7-13




November 26, 2023
1 and 2 Peter



How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?


Counsel Together

Led by a member of the class or quorum presidency; approximately 10–20 minutes

At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook10.211.2). Plan ways to act on what you discuss.

Youth Doctrinal Class Activities for "How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?"

(1) Live the gospel.
What topics has the bishopric discussed in our ward youth council meetings? What can we do as a class or quorum based on those discussions?

I will be a serv"ant" toss-and-tell game

(2) Care for those in need.
How can we reach out to people in Christlike ways when we see a need and don’t know what to say?

SELF-WORTH Youth Goal Planner "Build Other's Self-worth"

(3) Invite all to receive the gospel.
What have we found in the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings us joy? How can we share that joy with others?

Color My Life with the Gospel happy crayons game

(4) Unite families for eternity.
What are we doing to find names of our ancestors who need temple ordinances? What can we do to help others find the names of their ancestors?

FAMILY HISTORY Youth Goal Planner "Learn about Your Family History"

How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?


Teach the Doctrine

Prepare Yourself Spiritually

What happens to the billions of people who die without a real opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ or to receive saving ordinances? We can find hints of an answer in 1 Peter 3:18–204:6, where Peter spoke of the gospel being preached to the dead. Then Doctrine and Covenants 138 uncovers the full truth—our ancestors can come fully unto Christ if they have faith in Him and accept His gospel and we make ordinances available to them in the temple. This blessing requires that we—their descendants who have the gospel—search out their names, go to the temple, and receive saving ordinances in their behalf.

What experiences have you had helping your ancestors come closer to Christ? How can you help those you teach become more excited about family history and temple work and more confident in their ability to do it? As you prepare, you could read Elder Dale G. Renlund’s message “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 46–49).

Youth Doctrinal Class Activities for "How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?"

FAMILY HISTORY Youth Goal Planner "Learn about Your Family History"

REBUS John 3:5 scripture poster/card set - rebus style

"Sacred Ordinances" The Family: A Proclamation to the World - Proclamation 3

Extended Family – Closeness checklist & postcard

How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?


Learn Together

How would the members of your class or quorum respond to someone who wonders how good people who did not have a chance to receive the gospel can be saved? What do they find in 1 Peter 3:18–204:6 to help answer this question? In the video “Will I Do My Part?,” Elder Enrique R. Falabella provides additional insights. You can continue your discussion with one or more of the following activities.

  • The doctrine of redeeming the dead is unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Invite class or quorum members to study Doctrine and Covenants 138:25–39 as individuals or groups and share what they learn (see “Supporting Resources” for additional scriptures on this topic). What do these verses suggest about the way Heavenly Father feels about all His children? How does baptism for the dead help our ancestors come closer to Christ? How does it help us come closer to Christ and increase our faith in Him?

  • More lesson Ideas (below*)

Youth Doctrinal Class Activities for "How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?"

*More Lesson Ideas (about the above topic)
What might inspire the youth to be more involved in temple and family history work? Perhaps they could watch one or both of the videos found in “Supporting Resources” and look for ways temple and family history work can bless them. They could also look for promised blessings in the bulleted list in Elder Dale G. Renlund’s message “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing.” Invite them to share which blessings are meaningful to them and why. You might also discuss some of the obstacles that might keep us from participating in temple and family history work. How can the Savior help us overcome these obstacles?

  • If members of your class or quorum have access to digital devices, you might take some time to show them how the Lord has made it easier than ever to find ancestors who need saving ordinances (see “Supporting Resources”). You could invite a ward temple and family history consultant to help the youth understand these resources. You could also encourage the youth to make plans to explore these resources at home and report back in a future meeting.


Tracing My Ancestors (pedigree chart) baptism for the dead

Meet My Ancestors Spotlight

Families Can Be Together Forever pedigree and story sketch goal

Act in Faith

Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Spread My Wings GOAL Tracker & Mirror Motivators

Supporting Resources

  • Family Tree app (requires youth to log in using their Church account)

  • RootsTech (Youth can explore sessions from virtual conferences.)

  • (You could visit and explore these activities together.)

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT, Family Night, Sunday School, Seminary ACTIVITIES

$4.00 Activity to serve and spotlight seniors
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

GRAMMY AWARD NIGHT: Have the youth create a potluck dinner for a grandmother or grandfather. Have them spotlight the grandparent and award them with a Grammy Award cookie or a homemade certificate. The cookie could be a graham-cracker they write “Grammy Award.” If grandparents are not close by they could invite a senior from the ward/branch. You could create an ice cream bar and make round graham-cracker cookies or other cookies to fill with ice cream (GO HERE for ideas). Or, create a Queen or King for a Day! activity (shown) to entertain seniors (go HERE to download).

“RELTIVE”-LY FUN NIGHT:  Create a fun night for youth to bring one of their favorite relatives they are close to. Take time to introduce the relative and allow them to share with the group special moments.

ORGANIZE FAMILY GREETING CARDS: Create greeting card storage pockets that youth can store their greeting cards months ahead to send to relatives. They can contact relatives to learn of their birth-day dates and make homemade cards to send.
     To Create 12 Pockets (and label each with the month January – December): Cut an 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper (cardstock) in thirds. Glue the bottom and sides of the 1/3 sheet of paper to an 8 1/2″ x 11″ inch sheet of cardstock paper (only gluing the sides and bottom, leaving the top open. Three-hole punch pockets to place in a looseleaf binder. Youth can use 3″ x 5″ cards to place inside pockets to remind them of who they want to send cards for holidays, birthdays, etc. This is a great place to put “thank you” cards and “get well” cards ready to send. They also may want to have a special pocket for these addresses, stamps, and supplies to make greeting cards. Maybe get together as a group to make these ahead, sharing ideas.

FAMILY PHOTO SHARING: Have the youth bring some favorite family photos to show and tell about their extended family as they show photos. Ask them to tell one or two reasons why they love this extended family member; maybe even share how they have influenced them to make the right choices. Remind them that as they show their love to extended family members, they will create lasting memories they can share with their children and write about in their journals for posterity.


November 26, 2023 YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS “How Can I Help My Ancestors Come Closer to Jesus Christ?” for Aaronic Priesthood Quorums & Young Women – Come Follow Me – Lessons (1 and 2 Peter), Activities and Goals

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