Primary, Sunday School, Youth Doctrine, and Family
Book of Mormon LESSON 23
Teaching Come Follow Me lessons just got easier with our activities for JUNE (week #2)
Theme: “They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
Mosiah 29 – Alma 4
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading with reward stamps and pop-ups to match the lesson theme.
• Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum for all ages.
Lesson 23 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss the topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to the scripture you underline.
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Lessons 22-26 Scripture Scholars
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 4 LESSONS & 24 ACTIVITIES . . .
June 3–9: “They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
Mosiah 29–Alma 4
Some might see King Mosiah’s proposal to replace kings with elected judges as merely wise political reform. But to the Nephites, especially those who lived under wicked King Noah, this change had spiritual significance too. They had seen how an unrighteous king had influenced his people, and they were “exceedingly anxious” to be free from such influence. This change would allow them to be responsible for their own righteousness and “answer for [their] own sins” (Mosiah 29:38).
Of course, the end of the reign of kings did not mean the end of problems in Nephite society. Cunning people like Nehor and Amlici promoted false ideas, nonbelievers persecuted the Saints, and many members of the Church became prideful and fell away. Yet “the humble followers of God” remained “steadfast and immovable” despite what happened around them (Alma 4:15; 1:25).
Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church
. . . LOVE & SERVE OTHERS . . .
I can be a positive influence in my community.
Just five years into the reign of the judges, a crisis arose that would test Mosiah’s declaration that the voice of the people would usually choose what was right (see Mosiah 29:26). Study Alma 2:1–7 to find out what the issue was and what the Nephites did about it. What might have happened if “the people of the church” had not made their voices heard? What else do you learn from this account about how the Lord wants you to be involved in your community? (see also Mosiah 29:26–27).
What are the important issues facing your community? Consider how you, like the Nephites, can make sure that your voice is included in “the voice of the people.” In what other ways can you, as a follower of Jesus Christ, influence your community for good?
See also Dallin H. Oaks, “Love Your Enemies,” Liahona, Nov. 2020, 26–29.
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I love and serve others.
Some members of the Lord’s Church in Alma’s day were generous and giving, and other members were unkind and prideful. To help your children learn from these experiences, you could read together Alma 1:27, 30 and make a list of the kinds of people members of the Lord’s Church helped. Who do we know who might “[stand] in need” (Alma 1:30) of our love and help? You could also sing together a song about love and service, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145), and help your children think of actions that could go with the song.
DOWNLOAD Kindness Begins with Me song visuals (HERE or below) -
What should we do when people are unkind to us? Consider reading with your children how followers of Christ were treated in Alma 1:19–20. Talk about how they reacted in verses 22 and 25. Maybe you could practice ways to respond when others are unkind.
I can be a positive influence on my community.
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I love and serve others.
The word of God can help me recognize false doctrine.
Although Nehor eventually confessed that what he taught was false, his teachings continued to influence the Nephites for many years. Why do you think people liked what Nehor taught? In Alma 1:2–6, look for the lies in Nehor’s teachings—and the truths he used to hide those lies.
Gideon withstood Nehor “with the words of God” (Alma 1:7, 9). Here are some scriptures that refute Nehor’s falsehoods: Matthew 7:21–23; 2 Nephi 26:29–31; Mosiah 18:24–26; and Helaman 12:25–26. Try summarizing each scripture passage. What have you learned from living prophets that refutes false teachings in our day?
The Lord can help me recognize false teachings.
One way to study Alma 1:2–4 with your children is to help them create a true-or-false quiz using statements taught by Nehor, a false teacher. Then you could talk with them about why Satan often combines truths with falsehoods. Help your children think of some examples. In verses 7–9, how did Gideon withstand Nehor’s lies? (See also “Chapter 20: Alma and Nehor,” Book of Mormon Stories, 54–55.)
The word of God can help me recognize false doctrine.
The Lord can help me recognize false teachings.
QUOTE MEMORIZATION. OBEDIENCE – HOLY GHOST ColorQuote poster or notecard. “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts . . . MORE
True disciples of Jesus Christ are “humble followers of God.”
Chapters 1 and 4 of Alma describe periods when the Church prospered, but Church members responded to that prosperity differently. For example, compare Alma 1:19–30 with Alma 4:6–15 to see how Church members changed in just a few years. Based on what you’ve read, how do true followers of Jesus Christ feel about people who have different beliefs? What attitude do true followers of Christ have toward riches and prosperity? What do you feel inspired to change about your own attitude?
True disciples of Jesus Christ are “humble followers of God.”
My example and testimony can change hearts.
Maybe you can relate to the sadness Alma felt when he saw what was happening among his people. Look for the problems he saw in Alma 4:6–15. Have you noticed any similar problems? Perhaps you are worried about a loved one who struggles with these problems. Have you wondered what you could possibly do to help?
Some might say that Alma, as chief judge, was the best person to solve these problems. But Alma felt there was a better way. As you read verses 16–20, what impresses you about his approach to helping his people?
Alma had great faith in the word of God and “pure testimony” (verse 19). What examples have you seen of the power of pure testimony? As you ponder various ways you can share your testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel, you might reread Alma 4:6–14. What do the actions of Church members in these verses reveal about their testimonies of Jesus Christ and His teachings? What do you notice about the effect of their actions—on themselves and on others? You might also think about ways you have been blessed by other people’s pure testimony, whether it was shared through words or actions.
Think of ways you could share your testimony of Jesus Christ—in words or actions. Who would benefit from your witness?
See also Gary E. Stevenson, “Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 111–14; “Testimony,” Hymns, no. 137; “Alma the Younger Steps Down as Chief Judge” (video), Gospel Library; Gospel Topics, “Revelation,” Gospel Library.
My testimony can strengthen others.
Often the “pure testimony” (Alma 4:19) of a child can have a strong influence on others. To help your children discover this, you could read with them Alma 4:8–12, 15, helping them identify the problems that were happening in the Church. What could Alma do to solve these problems? Help them find out what Alma decided to do in Alma 4:16–20. Maybe you could share with each other how someone else’s testimony of Christ has strengthened you.
If your children need examples of what a testimony is, consider showing a video clip of a speaker in general conference bearing testimony. You could also use this week’s activity page or sing together a song like “Testimony” (Hymns, no. 137). What do we learn about testimonies from these resources? Let your children practice sharing their testimonies.
My example and testimony can change hearts.
My testimony can strengthen others.
JUNE 2024 Music Song Visuals for Singing Time
“TESTIMONY,”Hymns, no. 137 DOWNLOAD song visuals – COMING SOON
“We’ll Bring the World His Truth,”Children’s Songbook, 172 DOWNLOAD song visuals (HERE)
“Follow the Prophet,”Children’s Songbook, 110-11 DOWNLOAD song visuals (HERE)
Mosiah 29 – Alma 4
JUNE (week 2)
Lesson 23: June 3-9, 2024
“They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
#ComeFollowMe #BookOfMormon #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #YouthClasses #YoungMen #YoungWomen #FamilyScriptureStudy #ChurchOfJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #TheyWereSteadfastAndImmovable