Lesson 30: July 27 – August 2, 2020
Alma 39-42
“The Great Plan of Happiness”
Discussion Topics (activities below) ⇓
• I can be a good example.
• Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me correct my mistakes.
• I will be resurrected.
• I can be a good example.
• I can repent when I make mistakes.
• After death, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgement.
• Sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
• I will be resurrected and stand before God to be judged.
• I can seek answers to my gospel questions in faith.
• The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan of redemption possible.
• Sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
• The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan of redemption possible.
• The worth of souls is great.
• The world’s view on intimacy is not consistent with God’s view.
#1 SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS (scripture reading bookmarks with reward stamps, and pop-ups to place in binding next to featured scripture for the lesson)
#2 LESSON LIFESAVER Activities & Song Visuals (for all ages)
Lesson 30 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year.
(over 100 activities to choose from) ⇓
. . . BE A GOOD EXAMPLE . . .
I can be a good example.
Alma encouraged Corianton to learn from the good example of his brothers and warned Corianton not to be a negative example for others.
Explain that Shiblon and Corianton were brothers and that Shiblon was a good example for Corianton. Invite the children to repeat this question with you: “Has he not set a good example for thee?” (Alma 39:1). Ask the children to talk about someone who is a good example for them.
Play a game or sing a song in which the children follow or imitate you, such as “Do as I’m Doing” (Children’s Songbook, 276). Let each child have a turn being the leader or example. Ask the children how they can be a good example for someone.
Show pictures of Jesus doing good things, and explain that He is our perfect example. Explain that we can be good examples like Jesus was. Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves being good examples.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me correct my mistakes.

Even though young children do not need to repent, telling them about Corianton could help them begin to understand what repentance means.
DOWNLOAD Value-Pack Book of Good Choices activity (HERE, shown right) that also contains the lesson Alma Counsels His Son Corianton
Without going into detail about the nature of his sins, explain that Corianton made a wrong choice. What could we say to help him? Read to the children what Alma, Corianton’s father, said to him: “Ye should repent and forsake your sins” (Alma 39:9). Tell them that “repent” means that we ask Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to forgive us and help us correct our mistakes and that we then try to be more like Them.
Give a child something heavy to hold while you tell a story about someone who did something wrong and felt bad. Tell the children that the object is like the bad feelings we may have when we make a mistake. Take the heavy object from the child as you testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can take away the heavy, bad feelings and help us correct our mistakes when we repent.
Sing together a song about repentance, such as “Repentance”(Children’s Songbook, 98).
DOWNLOAD song visuals to teach the “Repentance” song (HERE or below)I can repent when I make mistakes.
Just like all of us, the children you teach sin and make mistakes. How can you inspire them to “forsake [their] sins” and repent? (Alma 39:9).
Ask the children to share an experience when they got hurt. What did they do to help their injury heal? Explain that sin injures our spirits, but the Savior can heal us when we repent.
Ask the children to find the phrase “repent and forsake your sins” in Alma 39:9, and help them understand what “repent” and “forsake” mean. Testify that repentance is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Read together Alma 39:10–14 to find other things we can do that will help us repent and avoid sin.
Alma Counsels His Sons | Alma 36–42 | Book of Mormon
Alma the younger talks to his sons one by one. First, he tells his son Helaman how important it is to be born of God. Alma promises him that if he keeps the commandments of God, he will prosper in the land. Alma hands the plates of brass over to him. It is now Helaman’s responsibility to keep a record of the people. Alma then talks with his son Shiblon, who was faithful even when he had stones thrown at him and was persecuted by the people. Alma encourages him to put his trust in God and promises that God will continue to help him through hard times. Alma testifies that it is through Jesus Christ that everyone can be saved. Alma’s son Corianton did not keep God’s commandments as a missionary. Alma helps him understand how serious it is to commit sexual sin. He pleads with Corianton to repent. Alma tells him that Jesus Christ will come into the world to take away our sins. He talks about the Resurrection, the judgment of God, and God’s justice and mercy. Alma encourages Corianton to look to the Savior for forgiveness. Based on Alma 36–42.
I will be resurrected.
Help the children look forward to the day when they and their loved ones will be resurrected.
While you read Alma 40:23 aloud, have the children use this week’s activity page to help them visualize what this verse is teaching. Invite each child to use the activity page to teach another child what resurrection is.
Show a picture of the resurrected Savior, and teach the children a song about the Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” or “He Is Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 64; Hymns, no. 199). Pause periodically to explain the meaning and significance of the words and phrases.
Ask the children if someone they know has died. Bear your testimony that someday that person and everyone else will be resurrected because of Jesus Christ.
• DOWNLOAD Heavenly Home & Earthly Home paper dolls (HERE or below)
• DOWNLOAD Jesus Lives Again! poster or coloring page (HERE or below)
. . . JUDGEMENT . . .
After death, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgment.
It’s natural to wonder what happens to us after we die. Alma’s words can help the children find inspired answers.
Write death, spirit world, resurrection, and judgment on separate pieces of paper, and place them on the board in random order. Help the children understand what these terms mean. Read Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, and 21–23 with the children, and ask them to put the words on the board in the order in which they occur.
DOWNLOAD Plan of Salvation – Choosing Choices – Divine Destiny Decisions POST-AND-PRESENT Activity (HERE or below) -
Write on the board a list of questions that can be answered by Alma 40:6–7, 11–14, and 21–23, and invite the children to match each question with the verses that answer it. For example, “What will my body be like when I am resurrected?” can be answered by Alma 40:23. If necessary, explain difficult words to the children while they read. Encourage the children to share why they are grateful for Heavenly Father’s plan.
Alma 40–41I will be resurrected and stand before God to be judged.
When Alma noticed that Corianton had questions about the Resurrection, he taught him about what happens after we die. What truths did Alma teach in chapters 40–41 that would have been helpful for Corianton—and anybody who has sinned—to understand? You might organize what you learn by identifying the topics that Alma addresses (such as the spirit world, resurrection, and restoration) and then writing down what Alma teaches about each one. How can remembering these truths help you when you feel tempted or are seeking forgiveness?
The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the plan of redemption possible.
Corianton believed that punishment for sins was not fair (see Alma 42:1). But Alma taught that there is a way to escape from the “state of misery” that sin puts us in: repentance and faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which is both merciful and just (see Alma 42:15). As you read Alma 42, look for how the Savior’s Atonement makes it possible for you to receive mercy without “rob[bing] justice” (verse 25). What truths do you find in this chapter that help you feel His mercy?
Alma the Younger is featured in the following activity:
DOWNLOAD the Post-and-Present Activity: Jesus Christ Is Our Savior – Guess Who Jesus Saved? Forgiveness Stories (HERE or below)
Sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
What can we learn from the account of Corianton’s experience with sin and repentance? Perhaps class members could read Alma 39:1–14, some of them searching for what Corianton did wrong, others searching for what may have led him to sin, and others searching for counsel Alma gave him. As they share what they find, they could discuss how we can avoid making similar mistakes.
When people commit sexual sins, they often have feelings of discouragement or despair and can feel they don’t have much worth. What principles in Alma 39–42 inspire class members to feel hope that leads to repentance? Sharing the statement by Sister Joy D. Jones in “Additional Resources” can help class members understand the difference between worthiness and our worth in the sight of God. (See also Lynn G. Robbins, “Until Seventy Times Seven,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 21–23.)
As part of your discussion, it might be helpful for class members to discuss the Lord’s standards regarding chastity. Your discussion may be more helpful if it centers on principles rather than on a list of dos and don’ts. For example, you could invite class members to identify principles that Alma taught Corianton in Alma 39. In addition, they could review “Sexual Purity” in For the Strength of Youth with questions like these in mind: “If you had to summarize all of this counsel with one principle, what would it be?” or “What principles do you find here that help you live the law of chastity?”
Class members could also review this section in For the Strength of Youth, looking for the blessings of living the law of chastity and the consequences of disobeying this law.
DOWNLOAD Trip to the Temple – For the Strength of Youth Standards – Car Puzzles (HERE or below)The world’s view on intimacy is not consistent with God’s view.
Sister Wendy Nelson contrasted how the world views sexual relations—“worldly sex”—with what she called “God-ordained marital intimacy”:
“With worldly sex, anything goes. With marital intimacy, exquisite care is taken to avoid anything and everything—from language to music to movies—that offends the Spirit, your spirit, or your spouse’s.
“While worldly sex is lustful and kills love, marital intimacy generates more love.
“Worldly sex degrades men and women and their bodies, while marital intimacy honors men and women and celebrates the body as one of the great prizes of mortal life.
“With worldly sex, individuals can feel used, abused, and ultimately more lonely. With marital intimacy, spouses feel more united and loved, more nurtured and understood.
“Worldly sex ravages and eventually ruins relationships. Marital intimacy strengthens marriages. It supports, heals, and hallows the lives of spouses and their marriage. …
“Worldly sex becomes a total obsession because it never fulfills its promises. God-ordained marital intimacy is glorious and will continue eternally for covenant-keeping husbands and wives” (“Love and Marriage” [worldwide devotional, Jan. 8, 2017],
It’s sometimes easy to believe that our choices don’t affect others—that our sins are private. What did Alma teach Corianton in Alma 39:11–12 about the effect of his choices? Invite class members to ponder who might be affected by the choices they are making, both good and bad. They could also share how the actions and examples of others have helped them choose the right.
DOWNLOAD the Personal Progress seven planner forms to teach VIRTUE (HERE or click on VIRTUE tab below)
The Law of Chastity
Church members explain the importance and blessings of obeying the law of chastity (sexual purity). (2:03) Copyright IRI, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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