Teaching Tools


Life Changes to Develop Faith, Character, and Happiness
Activities to Make Learning Fun

YOUTH CAN TEACH all of these activities, so if you are a teacher or parent, please ask the youth to co-teach with you. The best way youth can learn to teach is to know they have to teach it and explain it to someone. Given this chance their testimony grows and their love for teaching and serving increases. 


Before coming here we learned about Heavenly Father’s plan for us to come here to DEVELOP FAITH, CHARACTER, and find HAPPINESS. Here’s a quote to remind you.

Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept of your effort.” “Setting goals is a worthy endeavor. We know that our Heavenly Father has goals because He has told us that His work and glory is ‘to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man’ (Moses 1:39).

There are four areas of goal setting for YOUTH: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, and Social based on Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” If we think about it, each of these areas have “al” at the end. Each is necessary to have a b”al”anced Life like Jesus. 

Here Are the YOUTH CAN TEACH Activities
to help YOUTH make life changes, develop faith, character, and happiness

Use the following article to give you details (a preview) of the @ GOAL MOTIVATIONAL activities designed especially for youth.

TEACH ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES anytime or follow these topics and teach them day-by-day or week-by-week at CHURCH or HOME as you work to motivate yourself and others to achieve YOUTH GOALS. Enjoy!

Don’t Miss the YOUTH GOAL PLANNERS (HERE) to help you and those you are motivating to achieve CELESTIAL-type goals.


YOUTH CAN TEACH as they contemplate their choices to see if they measure up to how Jesus “Increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Only this is tricky as the measure-up wordstrips are written backward; they will have to look at them closer in a mirror to read how they can grow inch-by-inch like Jesus.

As you talk about the four areas in which Jesus grew, place the growth-chart pieces in place where they match — these get you thinking about how you are MEASURING UP in following Jesus.

1. Download the pdf visuals and instructions found HERE and make the Post-and-Present activity.
2. As you place the ruler parts on the chart where they match ponder your individual goals similar to these.
3. Enjoy the bookmark. Side one. Inch by inch, I can grow to be like Jesus. Side two. How do I measure up? What I commit to do so I can increase in Wisdom, Stature, In favour with God, and Man (Luke 2:52).


Decisions Determine Destiny planner


LESSON LIFESAVER Activity/HandoutDecisions Determine Destiny planner
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


YOUTH CAN TEACH how to go miles and miles with this planner by driving their goals from HOME to SCHOOL, to CHURCH, to WORK. They can put themselves in the driver’s seat by making responsible choices about each of these areas. This way the Lord can depend on them and they can build trusting relationships with friends and family.
DOWNLOAD the Decisions Determine Destiny planner (HERE).

Read D&C 82:24 “For even yet the kingdom is yours, and shall be forever, if you fall not from your steadfastness.” Remind them of President Russel M. Nelson’s talk “THINK CELESTIAL” (HERE).

YOUTH CAN TEACH – Youth Goal Setting Activities – Life Changes to Develop Faith, Character, and Happiness

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