YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. TRUE CHURCH RESTORED Then-and-Now Match Game. Matching up these THEN-and-NOW images of Jesus Christ's Church, we learn that it is the same NOW after putting back the parts that were lost after His death and the death of
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ typesetting poster. Tell the youth that this book was first set in type by hand taking a lot of time to place the letters just right in the
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. PRIESTHOOD POWER word search. Youth can learn the duties of callings in the priesthood crossing through words as they find them to solve what duties match with positions below. For example, the Deacon passes the sacrament, or
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. INVITES THE SPIRIT - TURNS THE SPIRIT AWAY game. Youth will increase their desire to have the right spirit influencing them as they draw from wordstrips to find actions and vote: which actions INVITE THE SPIRIT and
AGES 8-11 PUZZLED ABOUT PRAYER crossword puzzle. Youth can not be puzzled anymore about prayer with this crossword full of words about prayer: Heavenly Father, ask, morning, listen, thank, still small voice, help, Holy Ghost, prayer, Jesus Christ, yes, guidance,
Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Obey Commandments (Pray and Obey message dangler) OBJECTIVE: To help youth understand that when we are obedient and do our part, Heavenly Father will help us. LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITY: ACTIVITY: Obey Commandments - Message Dangler Youth
LESSON ACTIVITY. MORONI'S MESSAGE: The Gospel Is Restored - Angel Moroni's Match Game. Children can learn how the full gospel of Jesus Christ was restored again to the earth after Jesus and His apostles died. The Angel Moroni brought them
USE FOR Come Follow Me, Primary and Home, family home evening, Children and Youth, homeschool LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Prepare or Beware! MAZE ACTIVITY: Remind children that Jesus and others need their help. Ask them, if they are ready to
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men or Youth, Family Home Evening, Primary or Home lessons LESSON LIFESAVER Apostasy Mirror - Puzzle and Teaching Tool OBJECTIVE: To help youth understand that Jesus Christ’s church was taken from the earth because of apostasy
Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Lesson 46 For children ages 4-7 or teen/youth ⇐ TO OBTAIN ACTIVITY: This activity for this series in only available at LDS bookstores or online at TITLE: Sunday Savers: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Book (click here) or