COME, FOLLOW ME Activities to Make Learning Fun!


Here are Instant COME FOLLOW ME Activities for DECEMBER (week #2) Theme: “To Keep Them in the Right Way” Moroni 7-9

You’ll find our popular SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading. 

Then scroll down to find COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities and song visuals for this week’s lesson theme. There are tons of fun lesson plans that even KIDS CAN TEACH.

It all starts here. Don’t miss the BUNDLES to save $ (HERE)

Lesson 48 Scripture Scholars

Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

 BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.

EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE: 
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
 STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year.

Lessons 47-50 Scripture Scholars

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December’s BUNDLE of BOOKMARKS, POP-UPs, and STAMPS. Glue STAMPS onto the STAMP KEEPER (below).

December STAMPS

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For DECEMBER Lessons 47-50 (Book of Mormon). STAMPS to award scripture readers for reading scriptures on the BOOKMARKS. Place these on the STAMP KEEPER (found below/right)

Book of Mormon STAMP KEEPER

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Here children and youth can collect 50 weekly STAMPS to place on the STAMP KEEPER. These STAMPS match the weekly scripture reading BOOKMARKS
     STAMPS for January Lessons 1-4 are included.


(over 100 activities to choose from) ⇓

Turn Lemon Lessons into Lemonade1. Search the following lesson-match activities.
2. Search the A-Z Index to find more.
3. Search GGB STORE to find Activity by Subject
4. Choose from this month’s BUNDLES to save $ ⇒


Moroni 7:33

If I have faith, I can do whatever God needs me to do.

Children who have faith in Jesus Christ and confidence in His power can accomplish great things when they are serving Him.

  • Read Moroni 7:33, and invite the children to stand up when they hear the word “faith.” Explain that we show our faith in Jesus Christ when we keep His commandments. Help the children make a list on the board of some things Jesus wants them to do, like obeying their parents or telling the truth.
    DOWNLOAD honesty activity Trevor and Trina Truth sack puppets (HERE or below).

    Testify that our faith in Jesus Christ can help us keep the commandments.

  • Display a few pictures that show someone from the Book of Mormon (or other books of scripture) accomplishing something important because he or she had faith in Jesus Christ (see, for example, Gospel Art Book, nos. 19707881). Help the children tell the story portrayed in the picture. Tell them that because these people had faith in Jesus Christ, they were given the power to do what He needed them to do.
    DOWNLOAD Turn to Answered Prayers scripture stories wheel (HERE or below)

    Moroni 7:21–22, 25, 33

    I am blessed when I have faith in Jesus Christ.

    Mormon wanted the people to know that miracles did not stop when the Savior’s earthly ministry ended. As long as we have faith in Jesus Christ, we can, with His help, do anything He needs us to do—including miraculous things.


Turn to Answered Prayers (Scripture Stories Wheel)

AGES 1-5

Activity Family Prayer FAN

AGES 4-7

I can be strong and tell the truth! Trevor and Trina Truth (sack puppets)

AGES 8-11

COMMANDMENTS - FAMILY - EXAMPLE Activity: "Ship"-shape Family Goal Chart


Counsel with the Lord tent-card/prayer chart


My Smooth-Sailing Family (Lovey’s-Landing S.O.S. Game)


Articles of Faith 1:13 – VIRTUES: I Seek After Praiseworthy Things


I Promise and Heavenly Father Promises two-sided puzzle


Keep the Commandments song visuals


I Pray in Faith song visuals

. . . HOPE IN TRIALS . . .

Moroni 7:41

Believing in Jesus Christ can give me hope.

There are many people in the world who feel that they have no hope. How can you help the children you teach find hope in Jesus Christ?

  • Read and explain Moroni 7:41 to the children, and ask them to raise their hands when they hear something Mormon said we should have hope for. Tell the children about the hope you feel because of Jesus Christ.
    DOWNLOAD I can live forever with the help of Jesus. garden tomb slide-show (HERE or below)

  • Ask the children to think of someone they know who is having a hard time with something. Invite the children to draw a picture for the person that can remind him or her to have hope in Jesus Christ.

    Moroni 7:40–419:25–26

    I can have hope in Jesus Christ, even during difficult trials.

    Mormon and Moroni faced discouraging circumstances, but they found hope in the Savior Jesus Christ. How can you help the children find hope in Christ when they are discouraged?
    DOWNLOAD What would Jesus want me to do? puzzle (HERE or below)

    • Help the children list a few problems that might make people feel discouraged or hopeless. Invite the children to read Moroni 7:40–41 and 9:25–26, looking for something that might help someone who feels discouraged. Tell them how Jesus Christ and His gospel have helped you during difficult times.

    • Invite the children to write a message to someone who feels discouraged to help him or her find hope in Christ, as Mormon did for his son in Moroni 9:25–26. Encourage the children to use words and phrases from these verses in their messages.
      DOWNLOAD Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer POST-AND-PRESENT (HERE or below)

    • Fill a clear container with water, and drop two objects into it—one that floats and one that sinks. Compare the floating object to a person who has hope in Christ. Read together Moroni 9:25. How does Christ “lift [us] up” when we face difficult trials? Help the children think of ways they can keep the Savior and His encouraging teachings “in [their] mind forever.”
      DOWNLOAD Happy Choices match game (HERE or below)

President Russell M. Nelson Shares a Message of Hope and Healing

HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


Perfect Brightness of Hope mood changer

AGES 1-5

I can live forever with the help of Jesus. garden tomb resurrection slideshow

AGES 4-7

What would Jesus want me to do? Choose and Match Puzzle

AGES 8-11

BLIND PUZZLE: “I can overcome trials and challenges with the help of Jesus Christ”


ADVERSITY: Turn Trials into Triumphs match game


Be a Good Example HAPPY CAMPER (backpack decisions)


Color My Life with the Gospel happy crayons game


Happy Choices Match Game


2 Nephi 27:23 God of Miracles


SONG VISUALS: “Dearest Children, God is Near You”

. . . SHOW KINDNESS & LOVE . . .

Moroni 7:47

“Charity is the pure love of Christ.”

What experiences from your life might help the children learn to be kind to others and treat them with love?

  • Ask the children to repeat this phrase with you: “Charity is the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47). Help the children think of ways Jesus Christ showed love to others (pictures might help, such as Gospel Art Book, nos. 558384). How has He shown love to us? Who can we show love to as Jesus did? For example, show the video “My Brother Hyrum” ( SHOWN BELOW

  • Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves showing love to someone. Suggest that they put their picture where it will remind them to love others as Jesus does.
    DOWNLOAD I Will Follow Jesus service road game (HERE or below)

Moroni 7:45–48

“Charity is the pure love of Christ.”

Developing the gift of charity is a lifelong goal. How can you inspire the children to seek the pure love of Christ?

  • Invite the children to share what they think the word “charity” means. Then invite one of the children to read Moroni 7:45. (If some of the words in this verse are hard to understand, help the children look them up in a dictionary.) Ask the children to talk about people they know who are good examples of charity. Why is “charity” called “the pure love of Christ”? (Moroni 7:47). What does verse 48 teach us about how we can be filled with charity? Encourage each of the children to pray for charity this week and to look for ways to show charity to others.
    DOWNLOAD Moroni and Me: My Personal Golden Plates charity and love journal (HERE or below)

  • Help the children think of ways Jesus showed charity (see, for example, Luke 23:34John 8:1–11Ether 12:33–34). How can we follow His example?

  • Ask the children to write names of people they know on pieces of paper and place them in a small bag or container. Invite them to take their container home, select a name from it every day, and do something that shows love for that person. In a future lesson, invite them to share their experiences serving these people.

My Brother Hyrum (by with Autism)


I Will Follow Jesus – Service Road Game

AGES 1-5

I Can Love Others! poster or coloring page

AGES 4-7

Doing Good Unto Others GOLDEN Ruler

AGES 8-11

Moroni and Me: My Personal Golden Plates


Charity Challenge (Moroni 7:45 5-Ways Planner)


Humble Deeds Secret Service


BE KIND – LOVER OTHERS John 15:12 rebus Bite-size Memorize poster


John 13:15 Jesus Teaches Me to Choose the Right


I'll Walk with You song visuals


Love One Another song visuals

. . . SEEKING THE GOOD . . .

Moroni 7:12–20

The light of Christ helps me judge between good and evil.

Today’s world is full of influential messages; how can we tell which are right and which are wrong? Mormon’s words in Moroni 7 give us several principles we can use to avoid “judg[ing] wrongfully” (Moroni 7:18). As you study Moroni 7:12–20, look for truths that can help you know what will bring you closer to God and what won’t.
DOWNLOAD Invites the Spirit – Turns the Spirit Away game (HERE or below)

You might use these truths to help you evaluate the messages you encounter and the experiences you have this week and determine whether or not they invite and entice you to do good (see Moroni 7:13).

See also “Judging Others,” Gospel Topics,; Bible Dictionary, “Light of Christ.”

Moroni 7:20–48

Through faith in Christ, I can “lay hold upon every good thing.”

After teaching about how to distinguish between good and evil, Mormon asked a question that seems relevant today: “How is it possible [to] lay hold upon every good thing?”—especially when the adversary’s temptations are so enticing (Moroni 7:20). Mormon’s answer can be found throughout the rest of chapter 7. As you read verses 20–48, look for truths that help you recognize “every good thing” you have because of Jesus Christ. How does having faith in Him help you seek out things that are good? How can you “lay hold” on more good things?
DOWNLOAD I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. feel-good-flip-flag (HERE or below)

See also Articles of Faith 1:13.


Jesus Is My Light (Choose the Right Light Show)

AGES 1-5

Follow in Jesus's Steps - example sandals

AGES 4-7

I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good-flip-flag)

AGES 8-11

My Faith in Jesus Christ Adversity light switch buddy 1 Nephi 17:13


Hen Gathereth Chickens tent-card D&C 29:1-2


The Holy Ghost Can Help Me TUNE INTO THE HOLY GHOST (Inspiration Station Concentration GAME)


Invites the Spirit - Turns the Spirit Away GAME


D&C 11:28 "I am Jesus Christ ...."


Jesus Is Our Light” Sun-catcher


"Lord, I Would Follow Thee" Hymn p. 222, Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing Time
COME FOLLOW ME Book of Mormon – DECEMBER Lesson 48 “May Christ Lift Thee Up” Moroni 7-9 – Activities and Song Visuals for Primary and Home, family home evening (individual families), Sunday School, Seminary