New Testament LESSON 10
Teaching Primary & Home – Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for MARCH (week #1)
Theme: “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee”
Matthew 8; Mark 2-4; Luke 7
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 10 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 4 LESSONS & 24 ACTIVITIES . . .
Jesus has power to perform miracles.
As you read about the Savior’s miracles of healing, ponder which miracles to share. How can you help the children you teach understand the role of faith in the miracles Jesus performed?
Share the account of the man with palsy from Mark 2:1–12. For help, see “Chapter 23: The Man Who Could Not Walk” (in New Testament Stories, 57–58, or the corresponding video on Explain that the man with palsy could not walk. Help them recognize that this man was healed by the Savior.
Ask the children to pick one of the following miracles to read about and draw: Matthew 8:1–4, 5–13, 14–15; Mark 2:1–12; 3:1–5; Luke 7:11–16. Invite the children to explain their drawings to the class. What do we learn about Jesus from these stories?
Ask the children to act out how they feel when they are sick, sad, afraid, or worried. How can Jesus help us when we have these feelings? Testify that Jesus can help the children in all of these situations.
Invite the children to share experiences when they or someone they know received a priesthood blessing. How was that person healed or blessed?
Invite the children to talk about a time when they were sick. Tell one of the accounts of Jesus healing the sick, such as Matthew 8:1–4, 5–13, 14–15; Mark 3:1–5; Luke 7:11–16. Invite the children to retell the story in their own words. Testify that Jesus’s power can heal, bless, and comfort us.
Jesus can perform miracles in my life as I have faith in Him.
Jesus performed many miracles during His mortal ministry. How can you help the children be aware that miracles happen today?
Ask the children to pick one of the following miracles to read about and draw: Matthew 8:1–4, 5–13, 14–15; Mark 2:1–12; 3:1–5; Luke 7:11–16. Invite the children to explain their drawings to the class. What do we learn about Jesus from these stories?
Ask the children to act out how they feel when they are sick, sad, afraid, or worried. How can Jesus help us when we have these feelings? Testify that Jesus can help the children in all of these situations.
Invite the children to share experiences when they or someone they know received a priesthood blessing. How was that person healed or blessed?
Jesus has power to perform miracles.
Jesus can perform miracles in my life as I have faith in Him.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FAITH BRINGS MIRACLES story starters. Youth can learn of five miracles that started with faith. Learn from these story starters that started with their faith in Jesus Christ. STORIES and Images: • MOSES & THE EGYPTIAN PLAGUES (frogs) • ELIJAH AND THE WIDOW OF ZAREPHATH (oil & grain) • DANIEL AND THE LIONS (lions) • THE BROTHER OF JARED (stones) • NEPHI AND LEHI IN PRISON (fire) READ MORE
CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. DANIEL AND THE LIONS’ DEN drama scene. Children will be guided by Daniel’s story on faith to know Heavenly Father listens and hears their prayers. Like Daniel, they can pray to Heavenly Father and know that as they make good choices like Daniel, He will protect them and help them know what to do (Daniel 6). Have them pretend to be the lions with big mouths opening up to eat Daniel, and then close their mouths to remind them that Heavenly Father closed the lions’ mouths to protect Daniel. READ MORE
AGES 1-7 I CAN DO SO MANY THINGS! David & Goliath poster or coloring page. Children can know that no matter how small they are, Heavenly Father and Jesus can help them do difficult things as we pray and have faith. Like when David killed the giant Goliath with a small stone. READ MORE
AGES 4-11 MIRACLES OF JESUS three stories picture-match poster. Youth can know that Jesus Christ healed miraculously with God’s priesthood power. By faith, we too can today receive God’s priesthood miracles of healing. Create a picture poster of these three miracles: #1 Jesus heals a man with palsy (Mark 2:1-12) #2 Jesus raises Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43) #3 Jesus heals a woman of faith (Mark 5:25-34) READ MORE
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. 2 NEPHI 27:23 – FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. Nephi 27:23: “For behold, I am God, and I am a God of miracles; . . . and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith.” READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “I PRAY IN FAITH” song visuals. Youth can learn this song about: HOW we pray: “kneel to pray” “pray in faith” WHEN to pray: “ev’ry day.” WHOM do we pray to: “Heav’nly Father.” WHAT does God do? “He hears and answers me.” WHAT do we say and do during prayer? “Thank him for blessings he sends; Then humbly I ask him for things that I need.” HOW do we end the prayer? “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” READ MORE
I can show love for others as Jesus did.
Jesus showed great love by healing the sick and afflicted. Ponder how you can teach the children to show kindness to people in need.
Choose one or more accounts of Jesus showing love to someone in need, such as those in Matthew 8:1–4, 5–13, 14–15; Mark 2:1–12; 3:1–5; Luke 7:11–16. (See also the video “Widow of Nain” on Share a time when someone showed love for you in a time of need and how you felt. Invite the children to share their experiences.
Show the video “Gordon Hinckley: Lessons I Learned as a Boy” or “The Coat” ( How did the children in these videos follow Jesus’s example? Invite the children to share other situations when someone might be in need. What can we do to help them?
Sing a song about showing love and kindness to others, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145).
I can show love for others as Jesus did.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY I WILL FOLLOW JESUS Service Road Game. Youth can learn to love others. Tell them, “If we have a life of service, we can become like Jesus. Then we—like Jesus—can have eternal life and live with Heavenly Father again someday.” Follow Jesus on His service road and be the first to get to Eternal Life. READ MORE
AGES 1-5 I CAN SHARE & CARE Good Samaritan show-and-tell. Encourage children to express love for others through kind words and deeds. In Luke 10:33-34 this Good Samaritan story can motivate children, then write on the back of the activity ways they want to serve others. Think of those who need our care within safety boundaries: See the Stranger Danger section HERE.
AGES 4-11 SHOW COMPASSION LIKE JESUS – compassion wheel. Youth can learn: “I can show love and compassion like Jesus when He healed the sick” (1 John 3:18). Youth can draw a picture in the circle or write ways to show compassion and love. Compassion Wheel Subjects: Visit the sick, Cheer up the sad, Help your parents, Welcome a friend, Share a smile, and Say “I love you!” READ MORE
ALL AGES SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE! sunny-action planner. Youth write on each sun-ray how they plan to spread a little sunshine. Then, when the service is complete they can tear the action strip off and write their experiences on the back. READ MORE
SINGING TIME “JESUS SAID LOVE EVERYONE” song visuals. Children and youth can learn from these hearts that “Jesus said love ev’ryone; Treat them kindly too. When your heart is filled with love, Others will love you.” As we study the scriptures we learn that Jesus showed us how to love others. This way we can be like Him and one day be happy in His presence. READ MORE
When I am afraid or in danger, Jesus can help me feel peace.
The account of Jesus calming a storm can help children know that He can give them peace when they feel afraid.
Help the children imagine that they are on the ship as you read Mark 4:35–41. (See also “Chapter 21: Jesus Commands the Winds and the Waves,” in New Testament Stories, 53, or the corresponding video on Ask the children to describe how they might have felt if they had been there. When have the children been scared? How did they find comfort?
Invite the children to make the sounds of a storm and stop when someone says “Peace, be still.” Testify that just as Jesus can bring us peace when there is a storm outside, He can bring us peace in our hearts when we feel bad on the inside.
Teach the children actions to accompany the third verse of “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 57), and sing the verse together while doing the actions.
Children need to know that the Savior can give them peace when they face the storms of life—now and in the future.
Ask one of the children to use Mark 4:35–41 and the picture Jesus Calms the Storm (Gospel Art Book, no. 40) to tell the story of Jesus calming the storm. Ask the children to describe how they might have felt if they had been there.
Invite the children to share experiences when they felt peace after praying for help. Remind them that this peace comes from the Savior.
Give each child a paper rain cloud, and ask them to write on it a trial that someone might have. Put all of the clouds on the board, covering a picture of the Savior. Invite a child to remove one of the clouds and suggest ways we could help someone with that trial to find peace. When all the clouds are removed, testify of the Savior’s power to calm the storms in our lives.
When I am afraid or in danger, Jesus can help me feel peace.
JESUS TEACHES THE PROPHETS – The Prophets Guide Us Through the Storms of Life
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SHOWERED WITH BLESSINGS! Follow the Prophet Guessing Game Youth can see from these falling raindrops things the prophets have told us to do, e.g., “When I follow the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball and listen for the Spirit after my prayers … how is my family blessed?” the youth can answer ways they are SHOWERED WITH BLESSINGS. READ MORE
AGES 1-7 JESUS LOVES ME! mirror message poster. This poster frames a child’s face as they peer into the mirror to see themselves reflected there and read, “Jesus loves me!” they will truly feel His love. READ MORE
AGES 4-11 “PEACE, BE STILL.” Jesus calming the sea ship scene. Remind youth of the scene where Jesus used His priesthood powers (Mark 4:39) to calm the sea. Use the handle on the back of the scene to move the boat back and forth. READ MORE
AGES 8-11 FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST adversity light switch buddy. Youth’s faith in Jesus turns on as they review this 1 Nephi reminder that He will “be your light” as you keep His commandments. READ MORE
SCRIPTURE ACTIVITY. D&C 121:7-8 BITE-SIZE MEMORIZE scripture poster. Youth can learn “Peace be unto thy soul, thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “TELL ME THE STORIES OF JESUS” song visuals. Youth can feel like Jesus is near as they sing “stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here.” They imagine gathering around Him to hear His “Words” of “kindness” and see His “love-light” face. Trusting as His disciples did, He “hushed the wind” of the troubled sea. READ MORE
Jesus loves us even when we sin and wants to help us repent.
The accounts in Mark 2:15–17 and Luke 7:36–50 can help the children understand that Jesus Christ loves us even when we sin. He wants to help us repent and draw close to Him.
Write How does Jesus feel about sin? and How does Jesus feel about us when we sin? on the board. Ask the children to think about these questions as they read together Mark 2:15–17 and then share their answers. (You may want to read together “Publican” in Guide to the Scriptures [].) Why is it important to know that Jesus loves us, even though we aren’t perfect? How can knowing this help us when we need to repent?
A few days before class, invite one of the children and a family member to come to class prepared to share the account in Luke 7:36–50. They could draw pictures depicting parts of the story to show the class. Discuss with the children what the Lord might want us to learn from this story.
Jesus loves us even when we sin and wants to help us repent.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE Repentance Garden. Youth can play in teams or two players to climb to the top. They can choose from a deep container a flower (right choice) or a rock (wrong choice). Read the situation. If a rock, they place their butterfly under the rock (to show the heavy weight of sin), until they say how they can right the wrong. Then, place their butterfly onto a flower, climbing each time until the first to make it to the top wins. READ MORE
AGES 1-5 I CAN SAY, “I’M SORRY!” poster or coloring page. Children can color the tear on the poster with blue crayons as they say, “It makes me feel blue when I do wrong. I want to be happy, so I will say sorry and then choose the right.” The HOME ACTIVITY: Parents can help them know how to fix a wrong and make it right to be like Jesus.
AGES 4-7 “WHEELY REPENT!” Turn the Wheel to see if you can … Because of Jesus, we can repent. As you turn the wheel the windows show the before and after actions, how one action called for repentance, and how they repented. For example: “I gave my friend a shove.” (side 1) “But quickly picked her up and gave her a love.” (side 2). Opposite windows show repentance. These can start brainstorming. Invent more situations. READ MORE
AGES 8-11 REPENTANCE: Jesus made it possible for me to repent! crossword puzzle This puzzle helps youth learn the message “Because Jesus suffered for my sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, I will repent and live the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Words are to be placed in the puzzle. READ MORE
ALL AGES ACTIVITY. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! goals in diaper envelope. Tell youth when you present this that they are NOW OLD ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE GOALS. They don’t need to be “babied” around or be a cry “baby” when asked to change. They simply write on the “What to change” card, post them, and achieve! Extra cards might be nice to keep those goals “moving” right along.
SINGING FUN. HELP ME, DEAR FATHER song visuals. Children can know from singing these “Help me, dear Father” words that they need to “freely forgive all …” They ask for help in repenting, making things right, and changing their ways. “Help me, each day, Father, I pray; Help me live nearer, nearer to thee.” READ MORE
Matthew 8; Mark 2-4; Luke 7
MARCH (week 1)
Lesson 10: February 27 – March 5, 2023
“Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee”
#ComeFollowMe #NewTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #ThyFaithHathSavedThee #JesusMiracles #JesusHealedSick #JesusCalmstheStorm #Matthew #Mark #Luke