CFM New Testament December 2023 Ages 8-11 BUNDLE - Activities

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AGES 8-11 - Activities BUNDLE

Enjoy handouts for the NEW TESTAMENT lesson topics - DECEMBER (weeks 1-5) Lessons 49-53 for Come Follow Me. The bundle includes FIVE activities that correspond with the lesson ideas. Children and pre-teens can use these visuals to teach others about what they have learned.

OPTION (beyond these) Search for more activities on the subjects.

BUNDLE SUMMARY (preview & details below)

COME FOLLOW ME Ages 8-11 bundle DECEMBER New Testament

DECEMBER (week 1) Lesson 40 Nov. – Dec. 3, 2023 – “God Is Love” I show my love for God when I keep His commandments.

DOWNLOAD Group Ages 8-11 Activity: Follow Jesus: Choose the Right Commitment Calendar (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 2) Lesson 50 December 4-10, 2023 “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever” Jesus Christ is the only one worthy to be my Savior.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Because of Adam and Eve & Jesus: I Can Return maze (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 3) Lesson 51 Nov. – Dec. 11-17, 2023 – “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb” The gospel was restored in our day.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Moroni’s Message: Fulness of Gospel match game (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 4) Lesson 52 December 18-24, 2023 “Good Tidings of Great Joy” Jesus Christ made it possible for me to live with Heavenly Father again someday.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Atonement Object Lesson (HERE)

DECEMBER (week 5) Lesson 53 December 25-31, 2023 “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things” I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Second Coming checklist (HERE)

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