. . . 4 LESSONS & ACTIVITIES . . .
Chapter 4: Martin Harris and the Lost Pages: 1827-1828
. . . LOVING GOD’S WORK . . .
The Lord needs me to do His work.
Children can “embark in the service of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2) in many ways, and they can prepare now for additional opportunities in their future.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 4:1 to the children. Bring some pictures that depict God’s “marvelous” latter-day work (such as pictures of missionaries, temples, and the Book of Mormon). Let the children take turns selecting a picture and talking about it. Share why the Lord’s work is marvelous to you.
Help the children think of actions or draw pictures depicting the phrase “serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2). Share an example of someone you know who serves God in this way.
Sing together a song about missionary work, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Discuss what the song teaches about how we can help God do His work.
DOWNLOAD I Want to Be a Missionary Now song visuals (HERE or below)The Lord needs me to do His work.
Doctrine and Covenants 4 can inspire the children to be part of the Lord’s “marvelous work” (verse 1).
Write on the board Serve God. Invite the children to search Doctrine and Covenants 4 and make a list of things they learn about what it means to serve God. Ask them to add to the list things they learn from the song “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162) or another song about serving God.
DOWNLOAD I Will Be Valiant song visuals (HERE or below) -
Bring tools (or pictures of tools) that someone might use to work in a field. How do these tools help us? Help the children find things in Doctrine and Covenants 4:5–6 that could be like tools for doing God’s work.
Invite full-time or ward missionaries to share something from Doctrine and Covenants 4 that has inspired them to do God’s work. What can we do to help with God’s work?
The Lord asks me to serve Him with all my heart.
Section 4 is often applied to full-time missionaries. However, it’s interesting to note that this revelation was given originally to Joseph Smith Sr., who wasn’t being called on a mission but still had “desires to serve God” (verse 3).
One way to read this section is to imagine it as a job description for someone who wants to do the Lord’s work. What are the qualifications? Why are these skills or characteristics necessary? Perhaps you could prayerfully choose one thing you could do to better “qualify [yourself] for the work” (verse 5).
Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–7, 11, 16, 23–24
I can be a witness that the Book of Mormon is true.
Martin Harris was promised that he could be one of the witnesses of the gold plates if he was faithful. We won’t see the plates like Martin did, but we can receive a spiritual witness of the Book of Mormon. How can you help the children develop and share their own witnesses of the Book of Mormon?
Write questions like the following on the board, and help the children find answers in Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–3, 7, 11: What did Martin Harris desire to know? Who could Joseph Smith show the gold plates to? Why would seeing the plates likely not be enough to convince someone that the Book of Mormon is true?
How the Lord feels about those who won’t believe in spiritual truths unless they have evidence (see verses 5–8; see also John 20:24–29).
The role of witnesses in the work of the Lord (see verses 11–15; see also 2 Corinthians 13:1).
How to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon for yourself (see verse 16; see also Moroni 10:3–5). Ask the children what a witness is and why a witness is important. What did Martin Harris need to do to be a witness of the gold plates? (see Doctrine and Covenants 5:23–24).
DOWNLOAD Scripture Specs for reading the gold plates/Book of Mormon (HERE or below) -
Even though we haven’t seen the plates, what can we do to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon? (see Doctrine and Covenants 5:16; Moroni 10:3–5).
DOWNLOAD Moroni 10:4-5 The Book of Mormon Promise poster (HERE or below)I can gain my own witness of the Book of Mormon.
If you were called to testify in court about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, what evidence would you provide? A similar question was on Martin Harris’s mind when his wife, Lucy, filed a claim that Joseph Smith was deceiving the people by pretending to translate gold plates (see Saints, 1:56–58). So Martin asked Joseph for more evidence that the gold plates were real. Doctrine and Covenants 5 is a revelation in response to Martin’s request.
Chapter 7: Witnesses See the Gold Plates: 1829-1830
“Prophetic Plea” from President Russell M. Nelson to Study the Book of Mormon
We have received the word of God through Joseph Smith.
How can you help the children strengthen their testimonies that Joseph Smith and other prophets teach the word of God?
Hide a picture of Joseph Smith somewhere in the room (see Gospel Art Book, no. 87). Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:10, and invite the children to look for the picture to find out who the word “you” is referring to. Bear your testimony that we have received God’s word through Joseph Smith.
Show the children copies of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. Explain that God gave us these scriptures through Joseph Smith. Share some of your favorite verses from these books, and tell why you are grateful for them.
This generation shall receive God’s word through Joseph Smith.
What does Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–10 teach you about Joseph Smith’s important role in our dispensation—and in your life? Ponder how you have received the word of God through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Consider recording in a journal or sharing with someone your gratitude for the truths that were restored or clarified through him.
See also 2 Nephi 3:6–24.
ARTICLES OF FAITH: Joseph Smith gave us the 13 Articles of Faith telling what the saints believe 12 years after the Prophet Joseph Smith organized the Church. These were first published in the newspaper at the request of John Wentworth.
• DOWNLOAD Articles of Faith in a bundle of 12 or individually (HERE)
• PURCHASE the popular card-deck Articles of Faith QUIZ-BEE (HERE, shown)